Dragons on My Shoulder Make Me Happy

Dragons on My Shoulder Make Me Happy

or: Dragons on My Shoulder Make Me Smile

This one was for Magnus Reithaug.

What started as a simple cover recreation of X-Men # 168 took a left turn when Magnus asked to include Lockheed (something I wouldn't do on the original to avoid spoilers to the story) Trying differing locations for Lockheed, I settled on the left side of the cover as the better way to go.

Another left occurs when Magnus requests a logo for the cover. Fortunately, I still have the original so getting a scaled, full res copy was easy as pie. Just how long an inkjet logo will last is anyone's guess, though Epson says 90 years or better. Magnus is aware of this and gives his OK.

However, the left side of the cover is now overly crammed and cluttered so Lockheed happily agrees to move to the other side (helpful fellow that he is)

Happy Trails

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