Girl Power

Girl Power
or: Election Follies

Once again, I hadn't planned on political commentary with this. I was just getting in some practice on women's faces. As Andrew Loomis once taught us: Learn to draw a pretty girl or find another line of work. However, after sketching these out Saturday night I came back to the board Sunday evening, turned on the news for background noise, and became one of the last in the country to hear the news that Biden was out. Unlike most of you who endured a day of confusion asking what's next, by the time the news hit me it came with the answer of Harris is in.

In the immortal words of Ron Burgandy, "Well that escalated quickly."

The name may be different but the goal of continuing the Great Experiment remains.

Happy Trails

1 Comment so far

Rebecca's picture

Those Loomis (and Jack Hamm) books are amazing, even for non-artists I might think. Sad as I am for Biden, I think Harris has a number of advantages going for her, and that so many names floated as possible contestors to the nomination quickly endorsed her was extremely positive news!


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