Stop Dragon My Heart Around!

I've been fascinated with dragons for as long as I can remember. Maybe its from being built of snakes and snails. Or, a lifelong love of dinosaurs. Maleficent hit me like a ton of bricks at age six. I saw my first Komodo Dragon on Discovery (think 60 Minutes for kids) around age 10… I don't know I've ever had a dragon free existence.

For all that and more, I've been a huge fan of Dragon Man since I first laid eyes on him. Why he isn't used more, how he's been around as long as he has without a book, or at least a mini series, is mind boggling to me.

So, here's a little love for Dragon Man.

Happy Trails,


Kid Colt is the shot I couldn't find last week. Get a lizard drunk enough, who knows what he'll dream of being.

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