Swifties Assemble

Swifties Assemble
or: Undefeated

Once upon a time the Avengers were the Earth's mightiest heroes. Hulk, Thor, Iron  Man and Giant Man. Guns don't get bigger than that. Then they were gone and it was Cap's Kooky Quartet. The living legend of WWII and a bunch of third stringers  of dubious quality off the street. But with Cap in charge, that was enough.

So it is with Patrick "Lefty" Mahomes and the mighty Swifts of Taylor City. Troops depleted and far from home the forces of good have once again emerged triumphant over the denizens of evil just as I remain insufferably snide in celebration because, hey, it could all come crashing down tomorrow and I'm gonna get my gloating in while I can.

How bout those... CHIEFFFFFS

Happy Trails

2 Comments so far

Gene.mardaga's picture

Ol’ Cap could lead a pack of Cub Scouts to victory! Great drawing, Smitty. You really nailed all the individual expressions
Smitty's picture

... but the only character in comics that could beat Cap would be Aunt May. "You sit down and eat those lima beans young man." "Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am. Won't happen again, ma'am."


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