San Diego My A**

San Diego My A**
Temperature Gauge

My brother Willi was a maritime engineer. He was Scotty from Star Trek. If your craft sailed on or under the water, Willi was the guy you called to fix it. One day someone asked him how to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, because he was the kind of guy you asked questions like that, and he bellowed out theatrically, "SAN DIEGO MY ASS!" Because how else would you bellow out such an answer if not theatrically?

Turns out it was a mnemonic device to remember the order of the steps in the conversion: Subtract, Divide, Multiply, Add... something, something, something and something.

ComicCon is breaking up which reminds me of San Diego which reminds me of Willi... So here's something half temperature, half maritime, half comics.

Happy Trails

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