Bantu Warrior Blues

Bantu Warrior Blues
or: One Shot's Better Than None

Happy New Year to one and all and a Happy Birthday to the site. Logging in, I see I've been a member for 1 year 3 days…woo hoo!

Now here's one you've probably never seen. This weeks grab bag, Tommy Gunn's, Black Lion the Bantu Warrior! A one shot published by Heroes From the Hood Comics. I  forget the show I was at, I think it was back east, when a young fellow walked by, slipped me a copy and kept on going. I've no idea if it was given to a comics pro or if I was just another guy he gave a copy to.

The main story is pretty simple: Good guy saves neighborhood babies from bad guy. The fun is the direction from which it comes. Rather than a Judeo-Christian, European folklore tradition, it's from a distinctly African point of view. We're not in Leave-it-to-Beaver-ville any more, Toto.

The art is promising; crisp, clean, easy to read. A little shaky here, quite powerful there. An interesting combination of Kirby and Eisner with Michael Golden inks sort of look.

Presenting, the Black Lion and Tangalimbo.

Happy Trails


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