Death Becomes Her

Death Becomes Her
or: Third Times the Charm

This ones the result of a software glitch. Sometimes, multiple people will click on a sketch in the shop area so close together in time that a sketch gets "sold" twice before the system can mark is sold. As penance I offered the fellow who missed out a sketch of his choosing and he chose Death... and it near about killed me (he said hyperbolically)

The first version, I saved inking the face as desert. D'oh! Nothin' worse that killing a delightful drawing right at the end. The second time, I so concentrated on the face I didn't notice I'd stretched her out like a giraffe. Poor girl was near nine heads tall.
The third time... I think I got her.

Friendly reminder for fellow football fans (I was reminded by this today when I got blocked out of the Chiefs game in favor of the Broncos and feared I'd miss the Thursday Chiefs/Broncos game as well) Thursday night games aren't available solely on Amazon. The NFL network will replay the game immediately following the original broadcast.

Happy Trails

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