Mean Mister Mohawk

Mean Mister Mohawk
or: Pick a Uni, Any Uni

Once again the Mighty Swifts of Taylor City make things far more interesting than necessary but, Victory is ours, the universe stands and all is right with the world. Well, not all. The Ravens and Broncos blew their chance to go 0-3. Oh, well.

This weeks sketch started out as a squiggle that just struck me as Ares like. As I worked it out in larger form I recalled drawing the character for the Marvel Handbook. I had gone back to his first appearance in Thor (Journey Into Mystery?) and I no longer recall if he appeared in four of five panels on his first page or if it was five out of six but, in every shot Kirby had drawn him differently. That dude's mind worked so fast he couldn't bother to look back one panel for consistency.

Happy Trails

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